
Know Us Better

Code Blue Entities™ was founded by Kodi Parker in 2009. He is a Brooklyn, New York native and a music lover of all genres.

Kodi’s passion is to uplift others and to express himself using music as his medium. Kodi’s love of music extends to his understanding that each genre has a unique history and holds an infinitude of composite sketches of the lives it impacts when it is written, composed, crated, heard, danced to, felt, mused upon and enjoyed. For Kodi music holds a special place in his life – it is the power to create immeasurable joy for others, a vehicle for social change, learning, communication, activism, social inclusion and surely entertainment. It is his chosen math.

Kodi’s goal in creating Code Blue Entities™ was and continues to be to help people have a good time by entertaining them, while ensuring that their event is cost effective; delivering high quality at reasonable prices. Many people don’t know where to begin when it comes to event planning, but they know that they need to have the music done well. Hiring a DJ for an event is an absolute necessity, but where to start can be a challenge. Kodi works with his clients to listen to and understand their needs to ensure the desired outcomes and then he designs events around the music that will best fit the event’s theme, and the energy and atmosphere needed for a spectacular success!

Follow the Code™

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